The Leader Rating Gap: How Leaders Rate Their Subordinate Leaders




Performance review, Evaluations, Ratings, Leadership, Followership, Influence


This study investigates a paradox in leadership assessment, which we term the Leader Rating Gap (LRG). Through content analysis of interviews with 25 West Point cadets and tactical officers, we found that raters primarily cited influence behaviors when describing great leadership in general. However, when evaluating their own subordinate leaders’ job performance, raters emphasized individual performance behaviors over influence behaviors. These findings have implications for leadership development and assessment practices in military and civilian organizations, highlighting the need for organizations to align their leadership evaluation criteria with desired leadership behaviors and outcomes.


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How to Cite

Spain, E., Cartwright, J., Conkey, K., & Burrell, L. (2024). The Leader Rating Gap: How Leaders Rate Their Subordinate Leaders. Journal of Character and Leadership Development, 11(3), 1–14.


